For most shooters, reloading ammunition is not just a hobby but it also helps save time. Other savings make reloading an attractive option for individuals who shoot regularly or need customized loads. Different reasons why one might opt for reloading include to improve shooting accuracy and velocity and for personal satisfaction. Here are six reloading supplies that you may need to safely reload ammunition:
Reloading Manual
A reloading manual should provide accurate and reliable load data. The data in the manual comes from extensive testing done by professional shooters under controlled conditions. This results in honest and correct information on a specific set of components in a particular firearm. Besides offering accurate information, a reloading manual also contains safety guidelines, step-by-step instructions, and reloading supplies capability. A good reloading manual should detail various bullet types and calibers for reloaders used for different firearms.
Reloading Press
The function of a reloading press is to safely hold and operate dies when resizing, flaring, crimping cases, or bullet sitting, which allows one to perform the necessary process on a prepared case more easily. Common types of reloading presses are single-station presses, turret presses, and progressive presses. The type of reloading press to purchase mainly depends on your production needs and experience level.
Reloading Dies
Reloading dies helps calibrate or reshape the brass ammunition case according to factory specifications. These tools are screwed into the tool head of the press and are then adjusted for the specific task or caliber. Recognizable types of reloading dies include resizing and decapping dies, neck expander dies, bullet seating dies, and crimping dies. When selecting a reloading die, the factors to think about include caliber compatibility, reloading needs, material and durability, and bullet or case type.
Powder Scale
This item helps measure the weight of gunpowder charges accurately. The two main types of powder scales are mechanical balance beams and digital or electronic scales. Electronic powder scales allow you to set the desired charge weight and then automatically dispense the powder with precision. With a mechanical balance beam, no electronics are needed as it mainly relies on gravity for measurements.
The purpose of calipers is to either measure cartridge length, seating depth, or case length. The three main types of calipers are digital, dial, and vernier, each with distinct advantages. Digital calipers are often preferred due to their instantaneous readings and ease of use. Dial and vernier calipers use less advanced technology but also offer reliable accuracy and durability.
The Case
Primers, powder, and bullets are held in place by the case. The main components of the case are the body, the neck, which holds the bullet in place, and the headstamp. Most cases are made from brass, though some are customized from other materials such as steel or aluminum. The case can be reloaded several times as long as it is clean and not damaged.
Get the Right Reloading Supplies
Having the right reloading supplies for your specific ammunition results in a smoother reloading process. This also helps you achieve consistent, safe, and high-quality ammunition. Contact firearm experts today to learn more about the supplies you need for your reloading setup.